The building is situated on the narrow piece of land between the water and its flat banks and the wooded area behind.
The long building combines two volumes - one for each client - under one widely cantilevered flat timber roof.
The building has been designed from inside out: the balcony spanning the whole length of the building emphasises and frames the impressive views of the water. The opening between the two volumes forms an open 'room with a view'. The generous proportions of all the elements used relate to the large scale of the surrounding landscape. The main structural materials, concrete and timber, are left uncovered resulting in a warm, robust exterior and an interior very much related to it. By making use of imported prefabricated timber elements from Switzerland and Germany no additional structures were necessary in building the large cantilevered roof and the generous corner-windows. The timber's rough, dark surface allows the building to visually merge into the woods behind it.